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Con nery/pily - bg

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#11  01-Nov-2009, 12:46
Avatar de rds5666
+1 año sin XPs
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Dear RDS xxxx,

Was the experience good or bad overall?
I can perceive that the girl had a good predisposition, but the agency was the one who messed up.
I am planning to travel to Argentina soon and trying to collect as much information about the girls that caught my attention (and this is one of them).
Do you have more info about any other girls?


Hey cach,

Overall experience was good. She does have a bit of a PV (i.e. seasoned pro) personality although she does not in any way look like one. One of the better looking girls out there.

Others -

Laury BG: pure college girl type and the prettiest one I have been with so far. In fact, I had her when she had just started before the hype. Was with her a few times hourly and then a session that lasted for a day and a half or there about. She is alot of fun. She was at that time independent or semi-independent (not a PV). Speaks English very well.

Gimena BG: If you are into young skinny (and I mean SKINNY) girls, normal face but she speaks English very well and is very open to do whatever you want (the girl can get downright nasty). She is or at least was independent.

Generally, I have a better time with the independent girls. No watching the clock and the service is almost always better. The trick is to find indys that are a bit new to the game - I don't like the seasoned pro feel.

Lots of luck and have fun in BA.
#12  01-Nov-2009, 15:46
Avatar de R2D2.001

Capital Federal (CABA)
0 XPs

I can see you have a very good eye for this subject matter. I checked Laury and she looks awesome, she is a dream. Gimena is not showing her face but her body loos very good.
I also sent you a private message.
Thank you very much,

#13  01-Nov-2009, 19:23
Avatar de dani_el

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
RDS, te felicito por el esfuerzo en comentar tu XP en castellano, no tendrias por que hacerlo y sin embargo lo haces en beneficio de todos nosotros.

Y te felicito tambien por comerte esa linda nena, aunque sea mecanica, te sacaste el gusto. Una pena los privados ..

#14  01-Nov-2009, 19:44
Avatar de juanmoreira
+1 año sin XPs
ohhhh.... como guacho argentino haevy metal del siglo veintiuno!!! solo te pudo decir......GRITANDO: FUCKING HOSTILE!!! AL PV

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