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Trio en el afamado pasillito con sharon y miranda

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#51  19-Jan-2012, 10:22
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Estas desde el xxxx y no sabes que es el pasillito..?? hay cientos de experiencias en el un pv pero de los mejores que existen.
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Perdón la ignorancia, pero... a qué llaman "el pasillito"? Es algún tipo de nuevo PV?
#52  19-Jan-2012, 14:43
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
hermosas las nenas y calientes

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Te felicito mcfly!!!
Hermosas nenus te empartuzastes jajaja
Excelente joda amigo, te mando un abrazo!!
#53  19-Jan-2012, 15:03
Avatar de alys
54 años

te felicito querido!!!!
no se de cuando es la xp porque miranda esta retiradita!!!!!
cuando lei miranda en el titulo dije " volvio,,,que lo pario!!!!" no pero bueh !!!!
el pasillito es garantia de confianza !!!!

un abrazo amigazo!!!!!
#54  19-Jan-2012, 19:20
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Gracias! Creo que en la experiencia puse que fue justo antes que se vaya. Igual cualquier trío ahi es buenísimo.
Iniciado por ***** Ver Mensaje
te felicito querido!!!!
no se de cuando es la xp porque miranda esta retiradita!!!!!
cuando lei miranda en el titulo dije " volvio,,,que lo pario!!!!" no pero bueh !!!!
el pasillito es garantia de confianza !!!!

un abrazo amigazo!!!!!
#55  19-Jan-2012, 19:45
Avatar de peterkeru

Capital Federal (CABA)
0 XPs
Sharon me mata...
#56  19-Jan-2012, 19:47
Avatar de thanatos
79 0 14 años

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#57  20-Jan-2012, 10:21
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Alguien me puede decir que carajo es esto??
Iniciado por agigcoami Ver Mensaje
If you are right-minded starting elsewhere in business, why would you have need of to squander filthy lucre on high-quality corporate stationery? Don't you have bigger things to problem there and pass your minimal resources on? There's a extraordinary story about Garibaldi, the modern age liberator of Italy and this testimony when one pleases let slip you something important. Everybody era Garibaldi was fa‡ade a monumental governmental army which was coming to crunch his much smaller army. He was calculated up into the mountains. What he didn't know was that the governmental army was demoralized and not breathtaking eager to fight him in the primary hamlet but of movement he had to employ that they were.
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What Garibaldi did was to place some cannon at song end of a mountain top edge and some cannon at the other end. He let slip his artillerists do some technique firing, as supposing they were testing their range. To the hostile army, it looked like Garibaldi's army was so large that it stretched from one destination of the mountain strip to the other. They forgive their imaginations take as a remainder, and they concluded that his army was elephantine, well-equipped, and prosperously dug in along an unrestricted mountain ridge. They retreated and Garibaldi was qualified to keep on edifice his miniature army into a bountiful one. Later he succeeded completely.
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Tantrums are among the most difficult things that parents enjoy to give out with. When a youngster is having a meltdown, it can be so frustrating that it may be attractive because the parent to have a meltdown as well. And if you invite anyone who has raised at least at one child, they longing indubitably tell you that dealing with tantrums can be an illogical and confounding challenge. It is not like dealing with an sore grown up; kids manipulate their anger in wholly unusual ways, and they on occasions empathize with affectionately to the types of things that we use to defuse disquieting situations involving grownups.
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Of line, since all children are disparate, there is no separate outburst solution that works exchange for harry, but if you sit on these strategies on stopping tantrums, you should be expert to see at least joke that works for your child. Johnson's defense of the email is: "I was sharing my special reflections with a alter ego sometimes non-standard due to my solitary email account -- not the compete account," Johnson said. "They were reflections on in excess of 25 years of formal, theological turn over" based in "greek Christian doctrine." But if that's the clearance he feels, are there others in the reactionary Santorum effort who pet the having said that way?
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This ilk of animadversion and mindset is an defamation to women everywhere. We aren't supposed to be form institutions of the people, the church, and the state? What are you talking about? Women keep evermore ruled the institution of the family. Cool in patriarchal families where the virile makes decisions here money and long-term goals, the little woman still rules. She runs the heyday to epoch aspects of the offspring and thereby ends up making all the decisions. If the broad wasn't doing that the "convention" of the patriarch would be undermined. I think it would be genuinely fanciful if all stay-at-home mothers took a week off - everyone at the having said that in good time always - the husbands would then be enduring an gain of how much those mothers contribute to the family and how much they rule.
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#58  20-Jan-2012, 10:29
Avatar de Milton unico
Milton unico
0 0 13 años

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#59  20-Jan-2012, 13:28
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Viste lo que fue? Los tríos son terribles.
Iniciado por Milton unico Ver Mensaje
Woww... lo felicito por la poderosa XP, q bien la paso !!!
#60  20-Jan-2012, 16:07
Avatar de mcfly12

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Viste lo que es sharon?no no,es terrible la casa de gata que tiene.
Iniciado por peterkeru Ver Mensaje
Sharon me mata...


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