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*** YAMI BG - Emperatriz de mi lugar, tus ojos reirán...(1 vídeo)

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#11  08-Sep-2012, 19:24
Avatar de Tony almeida
+1 año sin XPs
Carlos querido: Cuanto transmitido en ese NO relato, cuanta piel y cuantas palabras que describen tanto y no describen nada..!! gracias por eso! esta en mi lista!! en breve!! un abrazo
#12  08-Sep-2012, 19:26
Avatar de ramon valdes
+1 año sin XPs
espectacular colega!!!
#13  08-Sep-2012, 19:34
Avatar de dale rojo 1972
+1 año sin XPs

#14  08-Sep-2012, 19:36
Avatar de j5orge
105 0 19 años

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#15  08-Sep-2012, 19:37
Avatar de hunter2010
+1 año sin XPs
que buena está ésta pendeja Carlos
y no lapuedo localiozar !!!
#16  08-Sep-2012, 20:35
Avatar de carlos virasoro
carlos virasoro

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Iniciado por knirlsist Ver Mensaje
My daughter trains in figure skating, and she is looking to change to another coach inside same training centre the girl trains at. She is not pleased with her coach and would like to switch to another one. But the problem is we don't desire to hurt or make any fuss and therefore are looking to hear any ideas of making it correctly and easily, if possible at most. We would not prefer to
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make any accusations or pointing fingers into the coach, we are looking for the nice way. I am a coach so have been on both the stops of gaining and sacrificing skaters. You should talk for a daughters coahc and simply explain you appreciate everything she's done, but things just do not are working. Tell her who you prefer to switch to. Talk to the new coach and be sure they know what you are looking for in a new coach to be certain it is a beneficial match. Don't lie, even a little are lying, as someone else described. Just be honest. Her current coach may be a little upset, but she will get used to it. All coaches just want what exactly is best for the skater. I am also a
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figure skater, and i had similar exact problem as people with my previous guru. I also did not wish to hurt her feelings while i was switching to your coach in the similar club. So i decided to inform my previous coach that the times she had happen to be offering me were interfering using previous planned activities including school, ballet, family events, etc. this way i was sure to never hurt her feelings, and if she inquired why i switched to your coach in the same club i could truthfully simply tell her the girl had more openings that failed to conflict with my schedule as often. By telling her that she was not upset at all
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, for we still frequently talk and she sometimes often compliments my skating! Be tactful and tell the coach the reality. Thank the coach for what they want done so far, but you/and your skater think it's time for switch. It's ethical to speak with both coaches(tell the last no more lessons plus the new one that you could have switched)Coaches should be aware that skaters have different needs as they quite simply progress.
que carajo es ésto?????? Motherfuckers diría Frank Zappa.... fuera de mi camino...

Última edición por carlos virasoro; 08-Sep-2012 a las 23:11
#17  08-Sep-2012, 22:42
Avatar de carlos virasoro
carlos virasoro

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Iniciado por THE JEDI Ver Mensaje
felicitaciones colega
#18  08-Sep-2012, 23:10
Avatar de carlos virasoro
carlos virasoro

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Iniciado por knirlsist Ver Mensaje
I am looking to order the Turbo Jams and also was wondering about results of those that use them. Also I am thinking about purchasing from an independent shore body coach? I would like help starting me on this program. I am a coach therefore is my wife. We both LOVE and also use Turbo Jam as well
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! It is our favorite of all the Beachbody programs. We also had that AWESOME opportunity on a couple of occasions to workout along with Chalene Johnson LIVE! It was Great plus really helped me realize how to crank up the intensity and really do it now! I have all the programs for turbo jam and would be very happy to assist you to. You can get anything you'll need from me too. See my profile or website for much more info! Good Luck with people new commitment to conditioning. You will be very pleased with Turbo Jam! I hope you find what you are looking at
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! I'm an independent Beachbody private coach, and I would LOVE to assist you to meet your goals! I've also used Turbo Quickly pull for awhile, and really enjoyed it. Please contact me through my profile. You're welcome to either email me or contact me via Yahoo Messenger. I too am any Independent Team Beachbody Trainer. However I have possibly not down Turbo Jam. I have completed you round of P90X and We are currently in my other
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week of Slim in 6. So I don't know how much help I may very well be with Turbo Jam, although I am seeking to try that one from now on. Depends on the trainer.... it could either indicate 1) he sees a lot of potential in you, and expects more outside of you then the other people... or 2) you recently stink at your sport.... more then likely it can be number 1, since most coaches wouldn't normally waste time on your stinkers...
Colega: Freaks & Motherfuckers!!!
#19  08-Sep-2012, 23:38
Avatar de amornl
71 0 18 años

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Capital Federal (CABA)
XPs 0 13 107
Felicitaciones Carlos, muy linda la nena!!!
#20  09-Sep-2012, 00:58
Avatar de carlos virasoro
carlos virasoro

Capital Federal (CABA)
+1 año sin XPs
Iniciado por Cyberbostero Ver Mensaje
Reconozco que no hubo un prólogo ideal para noctámbulos...
Pero el contenido fué como para ponerme a invernar, hermano!!!

Todo eso es Yamy? El gift, una ganga, vea...

Ya sabe lo que viene implícito en cada comentario mío, caballero...
Solamente... Gracias por compartir!
Un abrazo
Querido CYBER: Trataremos de aligerar los relatos... la época de hibernación está por terminar... se viene la primavera!!! te imaginas los relatos llenos de flores y pajaritos!!!! mortal!!!!
YAMI es barata... todo lo que le pueda pagar es nada... me da tanto que ese TODO ES INMENSURABLE!!!!

GRACIAS POR LEERME... y tené en cuenta que siempre que elaboro un relato o un NO RELATO (como en éste caso)... estás siempre presente!!!!

un abrazo y gracias!!!


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